Tulip Pretty Princess 20 per package
Tulip Pretty Princess 20 per package
Tulip Pretty Princess stands out with its distinctive Rembrandt-style markings and the leaves are edged with white a distinguishing feature setting itself apart from other tulip varieties. Its pink petals are elegantly adorned with deep red-purple flames, accented by occasional bursts of orange, creating a captivating display. Planting tulip Pretty Princess alongside tulips Deep Purple Rock and tulip Pink Impression will surely leave onlookers impressed.
Triumph tulips are a popular class of tulip and know for there classic tulip shape and prized for their strong sturdy stems, vibrant colours and mid-season blooming. The tulips are also valued for their long-lasting flowers and are excellent for cut flowers. Easy to grow and low-maintenance, triumph tulips are a favourite choice for both beginner and experienced gardeners alike.
Height: 35 cm Bulb Size 12+cm
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