Narcissus Paperwhites (indoor) 5 bulbs per package
Narcissus Paperwhites (indoor) 5 bulbs per package
Narcissus Ziva, commonly known as Paperwhites, are best suited for indoor forcing. Their incredibly fragrant blooms resemble small white stars, adding a delightful aroma to any space. Growing Paperwhites is simple and straightforward. Plant them in a pot with soil or place them on top of gravel with water in the bowl just touching the base of the bulb. Then, place them in a dark, cold space for 3-4 weeks until shoots reach about 10cm in height. Once the shoots have grown, bring the pot into a sunny location and continue to water regularly. In just a couple of weeks, you'll witness the beautiful Paperwhites in full bloom. The trick to growing Paperwhites is they need the dark and cold environment for success.
Rumor has it that adding a bit of Gin can help tone down the strong fragrance, offering a unique twist to the experience.
Height: 50cm
Bulb Size 16/17cm
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